As a result of their integration into operational practice, combined with in-depth theoretical training at vocational schools, the trainees from Germany develop extensive specialist knowledge and practical skills right from the start, enabling them to actively take on tasks in the company/training institution very quickly. This also benefits the host institutions in the host country, as the young talents have already gained a wide range of skills and expertise. Moreover, it opens up new perspectives for both sides and gives them the opportunity to discuss methods, technologies, market conditions and challenges. At the same time, the trainees can improve their foreign language skills and develop intercultural sensitivity in the team at the host company/training institution. Taking on a trainee from Germany is therefore a great advantage for you as the host institution in the host country.
We will now explain how you can take on a trainee from Germany, what advantages this has for you and what is expected of you. Incidentally, it costs you nothing at all to take on an intern from Germany.