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Vocational Education and Training Worldwide: Information for Partners in Host Countries

The VETWorldwide funding programme enables trainees from Germany to spend time in other countries around the globe during their vocational education and training. On this page, we will inform you how you as a possible partner in the host country can benefit from the stays abroad and how you can support the trainees.

Links eine Auszubildende zur Konditorin arbeitet in einem deutschen Betriebssetting an einer Torte, die Torte ist in der Mitte im Dekor geteilt, rechts arbeitet ein Konditor indischen Aussehens.

Global learning right from the start

Vocational education and training has a high standing in Germany and the German system also boasts an excellent reputation worldwide. It provides young people with the training they need to become highly qualified experts and acquire excellent occupational competence. As vocational education and training forms an important pillar of society, the German Federal Government strives to further modernise it and make it even more attractive. To this end, it has set up the VETWorldwide programme. This programme, which funds stays abroad during vocational education and training, is intended to promote the development of international occupational competence as an important qualification for the future.

Interview with Erin Murdie

Erin Murdie,

: Video : 02:26

Funded stays abroad – bringing added value for both trainees and host companies/training institutions abroad

As a result of their integration into operational practice, combined with in-depth theoretical training at vocational schools, the trainees from Germany develop extensive specialist knowledge and practical skills right from the start, enabling them to actively take on tasks in the company/training institution very quickly. This also benefits the host institutions in the host country, as the young talents have already gained a wide range of skills and expertise. Moreover, it opens up new perspectives for both sides and gives them the opportunity to discuss methods, technologies, market conditions and challenges. At the same time, the trainees can improve their foreign language skills and develop intercultural sensitivity in the team at the host company/training institution. Taking on a trainee from Germany is therefore a great advantage for you as the host institution in the host country.

We will now explain how you can take on a trainee from Germany, what advantages this has for you and what is expected of you. Incidentally, it costs you nothing at all to take on an intern from Germany.

How can you become a host company or host training institution with VETWorldwide?

The contact between the company/training institution in the host country and the training company, vocational school or chamber in Germany is established by the companies/training institutions themselves. The VETWorldwide funding programme is responsible for providing funding. This means that the institution from Germany that is sending the trainee, or the trainee himself/herself, will approach you.

The institutions from Germany sending trainees may be training companies, vocational schools, chambers or other vocational education and training institutions in Germany. Often, the host companies/training institutions abroad will already have contact with the German institutions – for example through business partnerships or as branch offices. In some cases, though, new contacts are established, giving rise to new partnerships and networks.

What is expected of you as a partner company/training institution?

If a German company, vocational school, trainee or business partner approaches you asking if you would like to take on a trainee in your everyday operations for a certain period of time, you should make sure that you actually have the necessary capacities to accompany and support the trainee.

Your commitment plays a key role in making the learning a success. Here’s what you would have to do:


How does your company benefit?

As the host company/training institution, you gain an open-minded aspiring specialist who is very eager to learn from you and has already gained substantial knowledge. What’s more, you too can learn from the intercultural exchange and the expertise the trainee brings along.

Advantages for host companies/training institutions:


Will you incur any costs?

You will not incur any costs in your role as host company/training institution. VETWorldwide pays subsidies for the outward/return journey and for every day of the stay. In addition, the trainees continue to receive their training salary from the German company. Your role as host company/training institution entails taking on the trainees and establishing good framework conditions for learning.

Do you have any questions about the programme?

Then don’t hesitate to contact the team at VETWorldwide. Our aim is to enable intercultural and professional exchange to the benefit of both sides. Our funding programme takes care of the financing.


In the interview, Regional Managing Director for Switzerland, France and Belgium, Jens Roemer, and Route Manager in Basel, Beat Martin Huerzeler, report on their positive experience of working with the trainee and explain why they would take on trainees from Germany again.

To the interview


Programm guidance: 0228 / 107 1611
Public Relations: 0228 / 107 1688

NABIBB – Bildung für Europa, Nationale Agentur beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung.

Learn more about the Dual VET System

The continuous training of skilled workers in Germany's dual vocational training system is an important basis for the country's strong economy. But what does dual mean? And how exactly does dual vocational training work? Who is involved in deciding what young people learn during their training? GOVET provides answers to these questions.



Informationsheet VETworldwide

The information sheet concisely summarizes the most important information about the VETworldwide funding program and what is funded.

Information Sheet Download